Friday, September 4, 2009

A Glimmer on the Horizon.

You might not recognize this new blog, or even know who I am. Let's start. Mi nombre es Shannon. Nothing special. I started and co-wrote for the blog, The Truth about Stardoll. Even though the blog didn't survive, my passion to write did. I couldn't get rid of the blogging germ in my body. So I'm going to try this again. And I want to make this blog just as successful. I cannot wait to get started blogging again. My palms are itching to write twenty more posts. But frankly, I don't have the time or energy. So I guess I'll start with ten. Nah, just kidding you. (; I wish I could, though. Well, I think that's all I really wanted to say. Please, if you're reading this, and you enjoy my style of writing, my sarcasm, or anything, [or maybe nothing] tell your friends. I would love for this blog to take off.

I missed you all,

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