Friday, September 18, 2009


HOLYMOTHERBLEEPINGBLEEP. Voile. Dresses. EEEEEEEP. Okay, maybe I should explain. Actually, just look:

Never in my whole stardoll experience have I been so excited. Okay, I might be exaggerating just a teeny bit, but I'm still just as stoked! And now the cherry on top of everthing...dah dah dah dah..


I'm not even kidding. Isn't it amazing? Except the prices are a little bit outrageous. But for once they aren't superstar! But I have a feeling just as I have enough money to buy one of those gorgeous dresses, they'll make them superstar. Just wait..

question of the day...

What do you think about the dresses and stuff? Love 'em? Hate 'em? Too much money?


Edit: Guess what.

Yeah. Thanks Stardoll. Thanks a bunch. Oh, and one more thing. Now they're only for superstars. Hooray!

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